"Publish and Prosper": European Research "Day and Night" | ZOOM meeting, Tokyo, 7-8-9 December 2020
9th Club Meeting in Japan | ZOOM meeting, Tokyo, November 20, 2020
Anniversary Symposium “German-Japanese Science Relations” | Tokyo, November 20, 2020 | DUE TO COVID-19, THE EVENT TOOK PLACE AS 9TH CLUB MEETING IN JAPAN
Meeting of the Regional Group of the JSPS Club in the Rhein-Main-Neckar Area | Mannheim, September 18, 2020 + Frankfurt, September 25, 2020
Meeting of the Regional Group of the JSPS Club in the Munich Area | Munich, June 16, 2020
25th Symposium “Bioeconomics” | Berlin, May 15-16, 2020 | POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19
Meeting of the Regional Group of the JSPS Club in the Rhein-Main-Neckar Area | Frankfurt, March 20, 2020 | CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19
Application deadline for participation in the JSPS Club funded project “Hello Japan 2020: 14. Deutsch-Japanischer Youth Summit” | March 15, 2020
Meeting of the Regional Group of the JSPS Club in the Berlin-Brandenburg Area | Berlin, March 4, 2020
Participation at the event “#Seitenwechsler 2020 – Japan-Messe in Leipzig” for the presentation of JSPS and JSPS Club scholarship programs | Leipzig, February 22, 2020
Funding of the conference 3rd Sustainable University Development Workshop with Focus on Education and Management (SUDem 2020) | February 22, 2020, Tokyo (International Christian University)
Meeting of the Regional Group of the JSPS Club in the Munich Area | Munich, January 22, 2020