2024: Joint European Associations New Year's Shinnenkai

We would like to invite you – students, researchers, lecturers, professors from member states of the EU – to the Joint European Associations New Year’s Shinnenkai, organized by all the European researchers organizations together (ACE Japon, AIRJ, German JSPS Alumni, Sciencescope).

We decided for a shinnenkai rather than a bonenkai to celebrate the beginning of a New Year with renovated academic energy and positive spirit. Researchers from any country are welcome, so feel free to invite colleagues and non-associates - this will be an occasion to meet and mingle with many other researchers, so come in great numbers!

Venue: The University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus
Date and time: January 26, 2024 (Friday), 19:00-22:00
Participation fee: 2000 yen

Additional details:
This will be a standing apero-style party, with finger food and drinks. The participation fee will be collected at the entrance. For the ones who are willing to participate, during the evening there will be a fun competition research team game activity with a prize.

Registration is necessary to ensure enough food and drinks for everyone, please register at this link by Thursday, January 25:

Final details will be sent with a reminder on the day before the event.

The four association of European researchers in Japan
ACE Japon, AIRJ, German JSPS Alumni, Sciencescope

Neues vom Club 02/2024

BRIDGE Program 2025
Bewerbungsschluss 7.1.2025

Der Vorstandsvorsitzende Prof. Dr. Heinrich Menkhaus erhält 2024 den „Orden der Aufgehenden Sonne mit Rosette“ der japanischen Regierung.