2024: Joint European Associations New Year's Shinnenkai

We would like to invite you – students, researchers, lecturers, professors from member states of the EU – to the Joint European Associations New Year’s Shinnenkai, organized by all the European researchers organizations together (ACE Japon, AIRJ, German JSPS Alumni, Sciencescope).

We decided for a shinnenkai rather than a bonenkai to celebrate the beginning of a New Year with renovated academic energy and positive spirit. Researchers from any country are welcome, so feel free to invite colleagues and non-associates - this will be an occasion to meet and mingle with many other researchers, so come in great numbers!

Venue: The University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus
Date and time: January 26, 2024 (Friday), 19:00-22:00
Participation fee: 2000 yen

Additional details:
This will be a standing apero-style party, with finger food and drinks. The participation fee will be collected at the entrance. For the ones who are willing to participate, during the evening there will be a fun competition research team game activity with a prize.

Registration is necessary to ensure enough food and drinks for everyone, please register at this link by Thursday, January 25:

Final details will be sent with a reminder on the day before the event.

The four association of European researchers in Japan
ACE Japon, AIRJ, German JSPS Alumni, Sciencescope

Neues vom Club 02/2024

BRIDGE Program 2025 tendered
application deadline Jan. 7, 2025

JSPS Club Chairman Prof. Dr. Heinrich Menkhaus is awarded the “The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette” of the Japanese Government in 2024.