Mentoring / Advising

For the JSPS scholarship programs which are aimed at doctoral and postdoctoral students, the JSPS Club participates in advising the scholarship holders before they leave for Japan. The following is a list of examples where club members in Japan have hosted JSPS scholars.

In particular, there are meetings for the JSPS Summer Program in preparation for the stay in Japan, which is being carried out jointly by JSPS and DAAD. The preparatory meeting takes place in Bonn in spring and will be organized jointly by the JSPS Bonn Office and the JSPS Club.

For the JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation organizes meetings for scholarship holders who are going to Japan and other countries, and for scholarship holders who have returned from their stay abroad. In this context, the JSPS Bonn Office and the JSPS Club offer information and advice in their own “Japan Group”.

Furthermore, JSPS organizes an orientation event for newly arrived scholarship holders from all over the world several times a year in Tokyo, for all participants of the JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship. At these events, all the JSPS alumni associations that exist around the world will be presented in a joint presentation. This task is currently taken over by the chairman and country representative for Japan, Heinrich Menkhaus, alternating with representatives from JSPS alumni associations from other countries.

In the following, we have also put together some contributions from JSPS Club members that not only show how you as a young scientist can build up and expand your collaboration with Japan, but also how, in retrospect, scientific careers have developed in close exchange with colleagues in Japan over decades.

The JSPS Club also offers general information on the activities of the JSPS Club, research stays in Japan and funding opportunities at various events that are primarily (but not exclusively) aimed at a younger target group. The following articles also offer you some insights into this.

Our members from a wide variety of disciplines are available in their respective universities / institutes for an individual advisory offer, which is aimed at all interested parties who are planning a stay in Japan. If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please contact the JSPS Club office.


Only the recent years are listed here. The Club has participated in the AvH network meeting since its foundation in 1995.

Stuttgart, November 22-24, 2023

Mainz, April 19-21, 2023

Frankfurt, November 9-11, 2022

Rostock, April 27-29, 2022

Köln, November 8-10, 2021

Rostock, April 21-22, 2021 (via Zoom)

Halle, November 18-19, 2020 (via Zoom)

Leipzig, April 03-05, 2019

Bonn, November 14-16, 2018

Potsdam, February 19-21, 2018

Bielefeld, October 18-20, 2017

Dresden, April 05-07, 2017

Freiburg, October 05-07, 2016


FY2019 June Orientation for JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows

FY2018 September Orientation for JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows

FY2018 January Orientation for JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows

FY2017 February Orientation for JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows

FY2016 November Orientation for JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows

FY2016 July Orientation for JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows

FY2015 November Orientation for JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows

FY2015 January Orientation for JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows

FY2014 July Orientation for JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows

FY2014 January Orientation for JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows

FY2012 November Orientation for JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows

FY2012 December Orientation for JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows

FY2011 October Orientation for JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows

FY2011 December Orientation for JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows

FY2010 October Orientation for JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows


My experience in Japan during my stay as exchange student and research assistant at Meiji University | by Torben Meyer

Deutsche Professoren als Gastgeber in Japan | by Prof. Dr. Heinrich Menkhaus

Deutsche Forscher in Japan betreuten deutsche Studierende | by Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Matuttis

Ein Beispiel für die Betreuung deutscher NachwuchsforscherInnen durch Clubmitglieder in Japan | by Kai Oliver Thiele

Ein Beispiel für die Betreuung deutscher NachwuchsforscherInnen durch Clubmitglieder in Japan | by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ertl

Club-Mitglieder als Wissenschaftsvermittler: JSPS Post-doc am CIST in Chitose | by Prof. Dr. Olaf Karthaus


Gastaufenthalt von Yoshiaki Ueda | by Dr. Michael Frei

Studentenaustausch zwischen dem CoE for Plasma Science and Technology an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum und dem CoE Plasma-Nano an der Universität Nagoya | by Prof. Dr. Uwe Czarnetzki


JAPAN durch ZUFALL? | by Prof. Dr. Matthias Rögner
Teil 1   |   Teil 2   |   Teil 3

Elementarteilchen, Spinpolarisation und Kulturelles – Motoren einer 50-jährigen deutsch-japanischen Zusammenarbeit | by Prof. Dr. Werner Meyer
Teil 1   |   Teil 2   |   Teil 3

Entwicklung eines Kooperationsnetzwerkes mit Japan | by Dr. Andreas Schaper
Teil 1   |   Teil 2   |   Teil 3   |   Teil 4   |   Teil 5   |   Teil 6   |   Teil 7   |   Teil 8   |   Teil 9

Mein Jahr in Japan – ein Rückblick | by Prof. Peer Haller

Retrospektive auf den wissenschaftlichen Austausch mit Japan | by Dr.-Ing. Thomas Bock


The JSPS Club presents its activities at various events, advises on stays in Japan and funding opportunities, in particular on the JSPS scholarship programs and the support options offered by the JSPS Club.

#Seitenwechsler Japan-Messe

4th #Seitenwechsler Japan-Messe in Leipzig 2020

Junior Forum (until 2012 Junior Event)

11th Junior Forum in Ilmenau 2022

10th Junior Forum in Lübeck 2019

9th Junior Forum in Bonn 2018

8th Junior Forum in Stuttgart 2017

7th Junior Forum in Hannover 2016

6th Junior Forum in Bonn 2015

5th Junior Forum in Vienna 2014

4th Junior Forum in Freiburg 2013

3rd Junior Event in Munich 2012

2nd Junior Event in Berlin 2009

1st Junior Event in Bochum 2008

Nippon Connection Film Festival

23rd Nippon Connection Filmfestival 2023

22nd Nippon Connection Filmfestival 2022

21st Nippon Connection Filmfestival 2021

20th Nippon Connection Filmfestival 2020

19th Nippon Connection Filmfestival 2019

18th Nippon Connection Filmfestival 2018

17th Nippon Connection Filmfestival 2017

Connichi Anime and Manga Convention

Connichi 2023

Connichi 2022

Other Events

Deutsch-Japanische Hochschulpartnerschaften und der JSPS-Club 2018

Infoveranstaltung „Studium und Forschen in Japan“ an der Universität Wien 2014

JSPS-Club-Infostand in Tokyo anlässlich der 150-Jahrfeier am 23. Oktober 2011

Neues vom Club 02/2024

BRIDGE Program 2025 tendered
application deadline Jan. 7, 2025

JSPS Club Chairman Prof. Dr. Heinrich Menkhaus is awarded the “The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette” of the Japanese Government in 2024.