Scholarships and Fellowship Programs to Japan

On this page, the JSPS Club has compiled a selection of scholarships and funding opportunities for a stay in Japan.

In particular, the Embassy of Japan in Germany has very extensively and clearly summarized various funding opportunities and structured them according to the intention of the stay abroad. Many of the funding programs refer to country-independent scholarships for stays abroad. Therefore, in addition to major funding organizations for the international exchange of students and scientists, this page also contains information on scholarships, funding opportunities and information pages with an explicit reference to Japan.

The JSPS Club would also like to point out that your own university or institution may have its own funding opportunities for a stay abroad in Japan.

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation not only makes the pre-selection for awarding JSPS research fellowships of 6 months or more, but also awards, among others, the Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship for a research stay abroad (6-24 months) for postdocs of all disciplines.

Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD)
OeAD supports, among other things, subject-related study visits and postgraduate research stays abroad by Austrians.

TIP: The Embassy of Japan in Germany (overview of funding measures)
The website of the Embassy of Japan in Germany provides a very detailed summary of exchange, research and education programs to Japan by non-commercial sponsors. The funding programs are listed thematically according to the following focal points:

  • Japanese Embassy programs (including MEXT research fellowship, JET program)
  • Study visits to Japan (including various foundations, DAAD programs)
  • Internships and practice-related stays in Japan (e.g. German-Japanese exchange programs, various foundations, DAAD programs)
  • Language stays in Japan
  • Stays abroad as part of a doctorate/thesis in Japan (including various foundations, DAAD programs, DIJ scholarships)
  • Research stays in Japan (e.g. various foundations, DAAD and JSPS programs)
  • Teaching stays in Japan
  • Student stays in Japan
  • Other stays in Japan

The Canon Foundation in Europe
The Canon Foundation in Europe awards up to 15 fellowships annually to European and Japanese researchers from all disciplines for a research stay in Japan (or Europe for Japanese) for a period of 3 to 12 months.

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
DFG promotes the establishment of international collaborations and, with the Walter Benjamin Program, the implementation of one’s own research project (abroad) following the doctorate. In addition, explicit Japanese-German research projects on specific topics are occasionally announced (together with the JSPS).

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
DAAD awards various scholarships for German undergraduate and graduate students, in cooperation with the Japanese Ministry of Education.

German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ)
DIJ, an institute of the Max Weber Foundation, awards scholarships to support research stays in Japan in the context of doctoral projects.

International Journalists’ Programmes (IJP)
For the first time, IJP invites applications for the German-Japanese Journalist Program for freelance and permanent journalists between the ages of 28 and 45 for 2023.

Japan Foundation
The Japan Foundation, as a Japanese cultural institution, offers various funding programs for Japan-related research stays in the humanities and social sciences.
Starting in September 2024, the new “Global Japanese Studies” (GJS) program will be established for postgraduate scholars in the humanities and social sciences.

Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)
JASSO is an independent administrative body under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho, MEXT). In addition to providing general information about studying in Japan, JASSO also supports international students and scholars through scholarships and loan and support programs.
The Study in Japan website operated by JASSO also provides helpful information on studying in Japan. Among other things, you can find Scholarships for Studying in Japan, tips and a BASIC GUIDE Study in Japan or information about Employment in Japan.

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
JSPS awards various research fellowships for students, graduates and scientists for a research stay at a university or selected research institution in Japan. The pre-selection for the award of JSPS research fellowships in Germany is made by the DAAD (stay up to 6 months) or the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (stay of 6 months or more).

Matsumae International Foundation (MIF)
The private MIF foundation awards scholarships for doctoral students for a 6-month research stay in Japan. Preference is given to natural and engineering sciences as well as medicine.

The Toshiba International Foundation (TIFO)
TIFO's support includes research, cultural programs, symposia, and seminars that promote understanding of Japan.

The Toyota Foundation
The Toyota Foundation awards grants to carry out research projects on specific sets of topics determined by the Foundation each year.

The Yamaoka Memorial Foundation
The Yamaoka Memorial Foundation supports research projects on the research topic of youth culture and lifestyles in Japan and Europe (German-speaking area).

Other information sites and search engines for scholarships, grant programs and organizations, and internships:







Neues vom Club 02/2024

BRIDGE Program 2025 tendered
application deadline Jan. 7, 2025

JSPS Club Chairman Prof. Dr. Heinrich Menkhaus is awarded the “The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette” of the Japanese Government in 2024.