Fund for the Scientific Exchange between the German-speaking Area and Japan (FWADJ)
According to its statutes, the German JSPS Alumni Association is commited to promote the scientific exchange between the German-speaking area and Japan. In this sense, the Fund for the Scientific Exchange between the German-speaking Area and Japan (FWADJ) provides a contribution.
The FWADJ is promoting scientific exchange by taking care of the travel and congress expenses for Japanese scientists who give lectures at research institutes or at congresses in the German-speaking area, or for preparation or conduct of jointly organized research projects with other scientists within the German-speaking area.
All regular members of the German JSPS Alumni Association are entitled to apply. The application may only be submitted by a JSPS Club member for a Japanese scientist. Especially young scientists who do not yet hold a chair in their institute, are encouraged to apply.
Further information can be found in the Guidelines.