Regionale Treffen des JSPS-Clubs im Raum München / Archiv
Wochenend-Tour der JSPS-Regionalgruppe München am 30. Juni & 01. Juli 2018
Liebe JSPSler,
Ich möchte Sie herzlich zu einer Wochenend-Exkursion der JSPS-Regionalgruppe München gemeinsam mit dem Humboldt-Club am 30. Juni & 01. Juli 2018 einladen. Ich habe die Exkursion bereits vor einigen Jahren mitgemacht und fand sie sehr informativ und spannend (Herr Kruhl, einer der Organisatoren, ist Geologe). Weitere Informationen folgen zeitnah.
Mit besten Grüßen
Geerd Diercksen
Dear Humboldtians!
As most of you will know, in addition to the Humboldt Salon, we regularly organize one-day or two-days excursions. This time we plan a two-days excursion to the Nördlinger Ries, the famous meteorite crater northwest of Munich. As usual family members and guests are also welcome! The excursion is suited for children.
The excursion takes place
June 30 and July 1, 2018
The program includes:
- One overnight stay in Nördlingen, the beautiful medieval town
- Guided tour of the town
- Visit to the Ries Crater Museum
- Ascent to the viewing platform of the 90 m high tower of the St. Georgs Church, with a marvellous view over the Ries crater
- Tour through the crater with visits to several sites of geological importance, including the diamond-bearing ‘impact rock’ suevite
At the moment, you don't have to reply to this message. This is just a preannouncement. But please save the date! More detailed information will be distributed the first half of May.
With kind regards,
Jörn H. Kruhl and Lutz Cleemann
(Humboldt Club Munich)
Jörn H. Kruhl
Dr.rer.nat., Prof. em. of Geology
Technische Universität München, 80333 Munich, Germany
Currently: Dept. for Earth & Environmental Sciences, LMU, Applied Crystallography and Materials Sciences
Theresienstr. 41, 80333 Munich, Germany
○ Drawing Geological Structures, 2017, Wiley Blackwell
○ Living Under the Threat of Earthquakes, 2018, Springer