The Role of Renewable Energy for a Sustainable Energy Supply


Symposium on the Occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the German JSPS Alumni Association

jointly organized byGerman JSPS Alumni Association and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Date and venue
October 6, 2015
Venue and access:
Meiji University Tokyo, Surugadai Campus, Global Front Building 1F

Conference language

Free of charge

Veranstaltungsbericht in NvC 04/2015


09:00   Welcome Session

  • Prof. Dr. Heinrich Menkhaus, Chairman of the German JSPS Alumni Association
  • Dr. Yuichiro Anzai, President of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
  • Prof. Etsuko Katsu, Vice-President International Affairs, Meiji University
  • Michiko Iino, Deputy Director, International Science and Technology Affairs Division, Science and Technology Policy Bureau, MEXT
  • Stefan Möbs, Minister, Economic and Scientific Affairs, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany

09:45   Why Renewable Energy for a Sustainable Energy Supply and How could it be achieved
Dr. Arnulf Jäger-Waldau, European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Introduction Jäger-Waldau (692 KB)

10:30   Coffee break

Convener: Dr. Arnulf Jäger-Waldau, Board of Members of German JSPS Alumni Association

11:00   Potential of Renewable Energy Sources
Prof. Dr. Eiichi Arai, Prof. Emeritus Tokyo Institute of Technology
Abstract Arai (129 KB)

11:45   Technical Status of Renewable Energy as a Main Stream of Energy
Dr. Michio Kondo, AIST, Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute (FREA)
Abstract Kondo (103 KB)
Presentation Kondo (1.3 MB)

12:30   Lunch

Convener: Prof. Dr. Ivor Fleck, Board of Members of German JSPS Alumni Association

14:00   Stationary Sustainable Energy Solutions, Green Building
Prof. Dr. Shin’ichi Tanabe, Waseda University
Abstract Tanabe (98 KB)
Presentation Tanabe (3.6 MB)

14:45   Sustainable Transport – Technology and Status
Philipp Berg, TU Munich
Abstract Berg (100 KB)
Presentation Berg (2.0 MB)

15:30   Coffee break

Convener: Dr. Matthias Hofmann, Board of Members of German JSPS Alumni Association

16:00   Regulatory Challenges for Renewable Energy Development
Dr. Arnulf Jäger-Waldau, European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Abstract Jäger-Waldau (100 KB)
Presentation Jäger-Waldau (504 KB)

16:45   Societal Challenge for Establishment of Sustainable Energy System
Prof. Dr. Mikio Kasahara, Prof. Emeritus Kyoto University
Abstract Kasahara (103 KB)
Presentation Kasahara (1.5 MB)

17:30   Closing Remarks

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