Urban Planning – Sustainable Cities

in the framework of the German in Japan Year 2005/2006

jointly organized by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and Deutsche Gesellschaft der JSPS-Stipendiaten e.V.

September 12, 2005
Tokyo, National Olympics Memorial Youth Center, 3-1 Yoyogi Kamizono-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0052; International Conference Room

Veranstaltungsbericht in NvC 04/2005


09:30   Welcome
Dr. Kenichi Iga (Executive Director JSPS)
Prof. Dr. Heinrich Menkhaus (German JSPS-Club, Chairman)
Ambassador Henrik Schmiegelow (German Embassy Tokyo)

10:00   Dr. Arnulf Jäger-Waldau (German JSPS-Club, Treasurer, Member of the Board; JRC-European Commission, Institute for Environment and Sustainability): Introduction to the Topic
Introduction to the Topic (138 KB)

Topic 1: Concepts of a Sustainable City

10:30   Prof. Dr. Eckhart Hahn (University of Dortmund): The Sustainable City Towards a New Post-modern Symbiosis between Nature, Human Society and Urbanism Theory, Concept, Model Projects
Abstract Hahn (132 KB)

11:15   Prof. Dr. Eiichi Taniguchi (Kyoto University): Logistics Concepts for a Sustainable City
Abstract Taniguchi (88 KB)

12:00   Discussion

12:15   Lunch

Topic 2: Technical Solutions

14:00   Prof. Dr. Izumi Ushiyama (Ashikaga Institute of Technology): Small Wind Turbines in Sustainable Urban Environment
Abstract Ushiyama (12 KB)
Vortrag Ushiyama (316 KB)

14:45   Dr.-Ing. Ingo Hagemann (Architekturbüro Hagemann): Solar Design in Architecture and Urban Planning Status quo and Perspectives
Abstract Hagemann (96 KB)
Vortrag Hagemann (758 KB)

15:30   Discussion

15:45   Coffee break

Topic 3: Social Impact of Urban Planning

16:15   Dr. Stefan Hochstadt (FH Dortmund): Social Impact of Urban PlanningChallenges of the 21st Century: Shrinking Cities, Aging Societies
Abstract Hochstadt (108 KB)
Vortrag Hochstadt (63 KB)

17:00   Prof. Dr. Motoyuki Suzuki (University of the Air, United Nations University): Paradigm Shift for Sustainable Society
Abstract Suzuki (120 KB)

17:45   Discussion

18:00   Reception, National Olympics Memorial Youth Center

Am 13. September fand eine Besichtigungstour in Tokyo statt, über die Frau Baumbach einen kurzen Reisebericht (184 KB) geschrieben hat.

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