Regionale Treffen des JSPS-Clubs im Raum München / Archiv
Treffen der JSPS Regionalgruppe München (Humboldt Salon), 25. November 2019, 19:30h
Liebe JSPSler,
Das nächste Treffen der JSPS Regionalgruppe München findet wieder gemeinsam mit dem Humboldt Club (Humboldt Salon) am 25. November 2019, 19:30, im IBZ, Amalienstrasse 38, statt. Die Einzelheiten entnehmen Sie bitte der unten angefügten e-Mail des Humboldt Clubs. Bitte melden Sie sich bis 20. November 2019 direkt bei Herrn Recksiegel an.
Mit besten Grüßen
Geerd Diercksen
Dear Humboldtians,
On behalf of the Munich Regional Group of the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer, we cordially invite you to the Salon on Nov 25th which takes place in the Internationales Begegnungszentrum München (IBZ), as usual.
During the Salon a lecture will be given by Dr. Cesare Tronci, currently Humboldt fellow at the MPI for Plasma Physics in Garching:
Nuclear fusion and magnetized plasmas as a general framework for mathematical modeling in multi-physics systems
As current times are making us face dramatic energetic problems, nuclear fusion emerges as one of the long-standing challenges in science, as it promises to provide a practically endless source of energy. While different options exist to achieve fusion, this talk starts by providing a short introduction to magnetic confinement fusion, which involves electrically charged particles (plasma) confined to move within time-varying electromagnetic fields possessing a certain configuration. This interaction of charged particles and electromagnetic fields makes magnetized plasmas an exciting framework for the study of physical systems in which several distinct phenomena with different nature need to be considered at the same time. Then, the second part of this talk will illustrate how plasma physics offers a unique opportunity for the development of new mathematical descriptions in which different physical models are coupled together into hybrid approaches for multi-physics systems.
Venue: Internationales Begegnungszentrum München (IBZ), Amalienstr. 38, 80799 München
Date: Monday, Nov 25th, 2019, 19:30h
As usual, there will be wine and cheese before the talk and a chance to continue the discussion with the speaker after the talk.
If you want to join us, please register by sending an e-mail so that we can plan accordingly. If you know any new Humboldt fellows that might not yet be on our list, please forward this invitation to them.
With kind regards,
Stefan Recksiegel and Lutz Cleemann
(Humboldt Club Munich)