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Regionale Treffen des JSPS-Clubs im Raum München / Archiv

Treffen der JSPS Regionalgruppe München am 19. April 2018

Liebe JSPSler,

Ich möchte Sie herzlich zum nächsten Treffen der JSPS Regionalgruppe München einladen. Das Treffen findet wieder gemeinsam mit dem Humboldt Club (Humboldt Salon) am 19. April 2018, 19:30 im IBZ, Amalienstrasse 38, statt. Die Einzelheiten entnehmen Sie bitte der angefügten e-Mail des Humboldt Clubs. Bitte melden Sie sich bis zum 17. April 2018 direkt bei Herrn Kruhl an.

Mit besten Grüßen
Geerd Diercksen


Dear Humboldtians!

On behalf of the Regional Group Munich of the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer we cordially invite you to the secornd Humboldt Salon 2018 on April 19, which takes place in the Internationales Begegnungszentrum München (IBZ), as usual.

During the Salon a lecture will be given by Prof. Dr. Robert E. Page Jr. (School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University) on

The “Spirit of the Hive” and how Honeybee Societies Evolve

Social insects presented Darwin (1859) with major difficulties for his fledgling theory of evolution by natural selection. Maurice Maeterlinck, Belgian author and Nobel Laureate, wrote about the “inverted city” of the honeybee (1901) noting that there is no central authority, that order and organization is achieved mysteriously through what he called the “spirit of the hive”. William Morton Wheeler (1911, 1928), Harvard entomologist and philosopher, proposed that insect societies are true “superorganisms” because they are organized for nutrition, reproduction, and defense. Hölldobler and Wilson (2008) resurrected the superorganism in their book “The Superorganism: the Beauty, Elegance, and Strangeness of Insect Societies”. However, fundamental questions remain about the evolution of insect societies as superorganisms. Not only is there order without central control, there is also no central genome on which natural selection can operate to sculpt a social system. In my talk, I will define the honeybee “spirit of the hive” and show how selection operating on social traits can change it by changing the genome, development, and behavior of individual workers.

Robert E. Page Jr. is a honey bee geneticist in the School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University. An author of more than 230 research papers and articles, his work on the self-organizing regulatory networks of honey bees has been outlined in his book, “The Spirit of the Hive: The Mechanisms of Social Evolution,” published by Harvard University Press in 2013. Professor Page is an elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Leopoldina -- German National Academy of Science, Brazilian Academy of Science, the California Academy of Science, and is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He currently holds the titles of Arizona State University Provost Emeritus, Foundation Chair of Life Sciences, and Regents Professor. He is also Chair and Professor Emeritus at the University of California Davis and an External Professor at the Santa Fe Institute. Currently he is living in Munich, Germany as a Fellow of the Carl-Friedrich von Siemens Foundation.

Venue:Internationales Begegnungszentrum München (IBZ), Amalienstr. 38, 80799 München
Date: April 19, 2018, 19:30

As usual, snacks and beverages will be available, sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. In order to facilitate preparations, we kindly ask you to confirm participation and indicate the number of persons attending the Salon, by Tuesday, April 17, 2018, to Mr Kruhl.

With kind regards,
Jörn H. Kruhl and Lutz Cleemann
(Humboldt Club Munich)

P.S. Please notice the dates of the Humboldt Salon in 2018:
Jun 18
Sep 20
Oct 23
Nov 27

Jörn H. Kruhl
Dr.rer.nat., Prof. em. of Geology
Technische Universität München, 80333 Munich, Germany
Currently: Dept. for Earth & Environmental Sciences, LMU, Applied Crystallography and Materials Sciences
Theresienstr. 41, 80333 Munich, Germany
Drawing Geological Structures, 2017, Wiley Blackwell
Living Under the Threat of Earthquakes, 2018, Springer

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