European Research Day 2019 (EURAXESS)
Date: 25 October, 13:00–19:00
Venue: EU Delegation Tokyo
The European Research Day 2019 (ERD 2019) is the fifth edition of an event organised by EURAXESS Japan and the four European researchers associations in Japan (AceJapon, Italian Researchers in Japan, German JSPS Club, Sciencescope) which aims to bring together the European research community currently based in Japan to discuss research, careers, relation to Europe. The 2019 edition is kindly supported by the EU Delegation Tokyo, which will host the whole event.
The ERD is a unique opportunity for European researchers and researchers from any nationality interested in Europe to network and discuss careers.
In 2019, three sessions are planned:
Session 1: EU update & situation of foreign/European researchers in Japan
This session will provide updates on the newest policy developments at EU level regarding R&I funding opportunities and research environment, including information on Horizon Europ, the successor to Horizon 2020; and the latest news in the establishment of the European Research Area.
The session will also include a review of the situation of non-Japanese, and more particularly European, researchers in Japan; such as working conditions, career possibilities, etc.
Session 2: Support services to foreign/European researchers and interaction opportunities with the EU in Japan; and with Japanese institutions
Panel discussion session in which, in a first step, European and Japanese institutional actors will present their actions and services to foreign/European researchers in Japan, before opening the floor to questions and suggestions in order to improve existing services and find new opportunities of support.
Session 3: European researchers associations dialogue
Panel discussion session with the heads of all associations of European researchers present in Japan (four associations total). Best practices, joint activities, development of services to the community will be discussed among other topics.
This is also a great opportunity for researchers without representative associations in Japan to learn how to setup such a group.