2023: 1st Joint Symposium of four European Researchers Associations in Japan (France, Italy, Germany, Spain)

Topic: Past, Present and Future of Cross-continental Connections between Europe and Japan

Date: Saturday, October 21, 2023

Venue:Delegation of the European Union to Japan (Europa House, 4-6-28 Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0047)

Invited are not only researchers from the organizing four countries, but from all over Europe.
Admission is free, but please register via Professor Menkhaus.

Cooperation with European Researchers Associations in Japan

The JSPS Club has been collaborating for several years with the 3 European associations representing researchers working in Japan from France, Italy, and Spain. They are the following associations:

So far, the cooperation has mainly taken place in the context of events organized by the EURAXESS office in Japan. These events included “European Research Day” and “European Research Nights”.

In March 2023, the four researchers associations decided to jointly offer their own events. The first event will be a symposium to be held on October 21, 2023, at the premises of the EU Permanent Representation in Tokyo. Further joint events are planned in addition to individual activities of the four associations in Japan.


Doors open at 9:30

Opening Remarks (Chair-Person Cecile Laly)
10:00Head of Science, Innovation, Digital, and Other EU Policies Section, Delegation of the European Union to Japan, Mr. Gijs Berends
10:20First Technical session [Topic: Dependence of Societies on Scientific Research]
(20 minutes per presentation) (Chairperson TBD)
  • Jose M.M. Caaveiro (Kyushu University): “Vaccines: friends, not foes”
  • Michele Guarnieri (hibot): “Making the world a safer place with robotics”
  • Eckard Hitzer (ICU): “Scientific Research - Opportunities and Pitfalls”
  • Cécile Asanuma-Brice (Mitate Lab): “Mitate lab. post Fukushima Studies, international and transdisciplinary research open to public debate for a better understanding of contemporary crisis management”
11:40Round Table Free Conversation
12:00Lunch Break and Networking
13:30Dalibor P. Drljaca (Local coordinator and expert at EURAXESS Worldwide): “Fund your
research with the Horizon Europe programme”
14:00Second Technical session [Topic: Open Science and its effect on Society]
(15 minutes per presentation)
  • Tetsuya Mizutomo, Executive Director of JSPS
  • Magdalena Osumi: “Japanese and European Approach to Scientific Media Coverage”
14:45Round Table Free Conversation
15:00Coffee Break
15:30Panel discussion of the four established European associations
(5 min per presentation + 30 min round table including Q&A) (Chairperson TBD)
  • Daniel del Barrio Alvarez (The University of Tokyo) “ACE Japon”
  • Sarah Cosentino (The University of Tokyo) “AIRJ”
  • Heinrich Menkhaus (Meiji University) “German JSPS Alumni”
  • Cecile Laly (Kyoto Seika University) “Sciencescope”
16:30Small gathering (drinks and snacks until 18:30)